23 Jul Health
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano
Or ‘A HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY‘ as we say in English. But, how do we get a healthy mind and body? Physical exercise is an important or essential part of mental and psychological well-being. However, to have a healthy body we also need to eat well.
I don’t know you, but food has a big impact in my body and even in my mood. I’m the grumpiest person when I’m hungry (ask my family, they will tell you all about it!). Also, when I eat something heavy or that my body and system do not like or agree with, I feel awful. I’m sure this has happened to you as well, right?
I believe that gut health is the key. But I will leave this theory to the professionals, as I can only speak based on my experience.
At my household we are three very different people when it comes to gut health. (I should say 5 including our cats). My daughter can eat most foods. It’s only when she is tired or upset (I’ve observed over the years) that she usually vomits. My husband is the one with the weakest gut of the three (he’s not gonna be happy with me for telling you). In addition, his digestion is the slowest. For him eating the right food is very important, as well as having enough time to digest it (I hope I don’t have to sleep with my daughter tonight! LOL).
For me, well, I can eat anything, except for chocolate! Yes! it’s true! Would you like to know why? Leave your comments below :-). Getting back to gut health, my digestion is super fast. I need to eat 5 times a day to feel good. As you can imagine, I have to consider all these when I prepare our weekly menu.
Over the years, I have found that the best way to achieve a healthy mind and body is to have balance in our lives. Yes, I know, sometimes your life will be unbalanced, but as long as you can achieve it in your everyday normal life, it’s good.
For us, we all have an exercise routine. My daughter is a ballerina and have a heavy schedule, plus her PE at school. My husband rides his bike, weather permitted, have a PT program and meditates regularly. Me? Well, I’m not a gym junkie, but I go to classes as much as I can and do a variety of routines (body pump, yoga, pilates, zumba).
With the summer school holidays I have started going to the gym very early in the morning on Mondays and Thursdays. Ever since I started this new routine, I have noticed that I have more energy; even with the sleep deprivation! I intend to keep it going; let’s see how I go when I leave the house at 5:30 in winter and is dark and cold … I’ll let you know, I promise.
The other way I help my family to achieve balance in our lives is with the food I cook for them. With the influence of my Mediterranean diet upbringing and our different digestive systems, I find that a balanced diet works really well for us.
When I think of meals for the week I always include a type of group food, including protein, vegetables and grains or pasta. We eat meat, but I make sure we only eat red meat every two weeks. Chicken or turkey (white meat) we eat weekly, as well as eggs, fish (a couple of times a week), pulses or legumes, rice and other grains. Confusing? I hope not. You only have to wait a bit longer and I will have the whole system set up for you with plenty of easy & simple recipes for a healthy, happy and balanced life!
Que sera, sera? …
Leave your comments / questions and remember to …
Eat well and be happy!
Don’t forget that we have a DATE in YouTube this coming FRIDAY July 26 at 4PM US pacific time for another great recipe!